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American University ITEP Graduates in Washington DC
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A Unique International Education Program

ITEP Capstone Poster Presentations

Since 1982, American University School of Education's International Training and Education Program (ITEP) has provided an ideal environment for students who want to further their skills and experiences in:

  • training program design;
  • intercultural learning and exchange;
  • program management and evaluation;
  • transitional and social justice;
  • internationalization of higher education; and
  • equity in education.

ITEP is a unique30-credit Master of Arts (MA) program that provides students with a strong foundation in theory, principles, and practice in international education and training. Coursework can be completed either fully in person or a combination of online and in person. ITEP students can pursue additional Graduate Certificates, such as ITEP’s Training Design and Facilitation certificate or the School of International Service’s Cross-Cultural Communication certificate.

ITEP also offers a 12-credit in person, online, or hybrid Training Design and Facilitation (Graduate) Certificate for novice to experienced trainers who are seeking a specialized training credential to further their design and facilitation skills.

ITEP student Eunji Kim gives a presentation.

ITEP students are tackling some of the following questions:

How do we createinnovative training programsthat respond to local and global issues?
What role does education quality play in efforts to promote educational equity and inclusion?
What are the cultural, social, and political perspectivesunderpinning development assistance and intercultural exchangeprograms?
How are controversial histories taught and learned?

If these questions inspire you, the International Training and Education Program (ITEP) could be for you.

About ITEP

ITEP's core faculty are leaders in the field of international and comparative education.

Meet Our Alumni

Where are ITEP Alumni?

ITEP has a post-graduation rate of 92-100% employment rate post-graduation; those who are not employed are typically pursuing further education or taking time off for caregiving responsibilities. Upon graduating, ITEPers find themselves in a variety of organizations, companies and institutions. Many of our alumni work in teacher or cross-cultural training in non-profits and universities, or in training. positions within the Department of State, Foreign Service, or INGOs.

After completing her BA in International Studies at AU,Emily Bird, 2015 ITEP alumna, worked in non-profit business development and advocacy focused on Africa. In 2009, she departed to Niger where she served with the Peace Corps as a Municipal and Community Development Volunteer. Emily implemented a number of projects in Niger but found working with students in her community to be the most rewarding. While completing her ITEP degree she participated in an AU Alternative Break trip to Israel focusing on refugee rights and issues. Emily currently works as a Business Development Manager at Plan International, designing projects that focus on child-centered development and youth participation.

After spending two years in Japan teaching English through the Japan Exchange and Teaching (JET) program, one year in Botswana teaching history and geography at Maru a Pula School as a Princeton in Africa Fellow, and one year teaching English to Venezuelans at the Latin American Caribbean Centre at the University of the West Indies, Mona in Jamaica,Kwame Gaylebegan his graduate degree with ITEP. In the summer of 2016, after his first year at AU, Kwame served as a graduate summer service-learning fellow in Myanmar, working with disadvantaged students at a monastic education high school in their pre-college program. Originally from Jamaica, Kwame did his undergraduate degree in anthropology and African studies at Macalester College in Minnesota, where he served as a residential assistant for two years, as an admissions intern in his senior year, and was involved in many international-related activities and clubs. He is passionate about the performing arts and contributed to many theater, dance and music productions at Macalester. His research interests include race, ethnicity and educational access for minority groups, especially in Africa and the Caribbean. He is also interested in international and cultural exchange through different modes of expression, such as language, communication, the performing arts and diplomacy. Kwame designed a study abroad course on diversity and higher education in Jamaica for ITEP as part of his final MA capstone, which ITEP hopes to offer as an elective in 2018.

Anna Lippard, 2014 ITEP alumna, is an International Services Specialist at Southern Methodist University with a Master's degree in International Training and Education from American University. She is originally from Gaffney, South Carolina, and has lived in Bratislava, Slovakia and Washington, DC before moving to Dallas, Texas. She graduated with a Bachelor's degree in history in 2010 from Coker College, where she discovered a love of learning about other cultures through meeting international students on campus and through study abroad. Anna completed a Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship in Bratislava, Slovakia 2010-2011, teaching high school students conversational English. Anna earned a Master's degree in International Training and Education in 2014 from American University, focusing on international student exchange and minority education. She now is an International Services Specialist working with F-1 and J-1 international students at Southern Methodist University. Her duties include immigration advising and cultural/educational programming.

At Global Ties US,Franziska Rook, 2014 ITEP alumna, is working with over 110 organizations worldwide that engage in international exchange. Additionally, she is also responsible for designing and running exchange programs. Prior to joining Global Ties US, Franzi has worked extensively in international student recruitment, marketing, program design, and community outreach. Her work experience spans three continents and organizations such as the UN World Food Program, HHL -Leipzig Graduate School of Management, and American University. Franzi is a Fulbright Scholar and aside from German (her native language), she speaks English, Portuguese, and French. Franzi received her Master in Public Administration (MPA) with a focus on Nonprofit Management and Leadership from Grand Valley State University in Allendale, Michigan, and her Masters in International Training and Education from American University in Washington, DC. You can follow her on Twitter at @franzirook.

Pauline A. Shams, 2005 ITEP alumna, is a training specialist with extensive experience working on security and business improvement focused trainings both internationally and domestically. Having spent much time working on the Middle East & North Africa (MENA) region, she has also cultivated experience in program management, proposal development, program implementation, events coordination, and training design. She has worked on projects directly related to Bahrain, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Mexico, Morocco, Panama, Paraguay Saudi Arabia, and Tunisia. Prior to joining Los Alamos Technical Associates, Inc. (LATA) as a Training Program Coordinator, Ms. Shams worked for the U.S. Department of Commerce, the World Bank, the National U.S.-Arab Chamber of Commerce and other organizations focusing on the MENA and South and Central Asia regions. She played a leading role in developing proposals and implementing programs funded by the U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Department of State, USAID, U.S. Trade & Development Agency among others. She currently supports an Emergency Management training program for the Department of Homeland Security's TSA division. She has experience developing online modules as well as in classroom exercises.

Originally from Rochester, NY,Ashley Whittington, 2015 ITEP alumna, completed a dual BA in international relations and foreign languages and literatures at the University of Delaware. After graduation, she joined the Peace Corps where she taught English as a Foreign Language in a small village in Mongolia. As an AU student, Ashley worked as the Graduate Assistant for the Bilingual Education program as well as interned in the Training Unit at Peace Corps. Her studies in ITEP focused on multilingual education, primarily in the former Soviet states. She currently works as the TEFL E-learning Specialist at Peace Corps Headquarters.

DC Capital BuildingITEP brings together a dedicated group of faculty, staff and students whose academic backgrounds and international experiences are rich and varied; this diverse educational and experiential background enhances the value of conversation in the classroom. Because of our location in Washington, D.C. – a city well known for its global diversity – we work to ensure that all who join the program can take full advantage of the culturally and educationally enriching resources available in the city.Many ITEP graduates seek employment with organizations and agencies such as the World Bank, the Peace Corps, the Department of State and USAID, domestic and overseas universities, K-12 schools, or a variety of other governmental or international non-governmental organizations and agencies.


The 12-credit Training Design and Facilitation certificate can be completed online, in person, or hybrid. The requirements involve the following courses:

Required (9 credit hours)

Core Courses
EDU 642 Training Program Design (3)
EDU 713 Advanced Training Program Design (3)

Skills Institutes
EDU 627 Monitoring and Evaluating in International Development and Education Interventions (1)
EDU 627 Online Training Program and Design (1)
EDU 627 Diversity & Inclusion in Training Programs (1)

Electives (3 credit hours)
Complete 3 credit hours from the ITEP MA Coursework electives, or other courses outside ITEP as approved by an ITEP advisor.

Throughout the program, students apply their own international education experiences and learn from faculty who are experts in both practice and research. In their culminating capstone project, students design and implement a training, curriculum, research paper, or evaluation in a context relevant to their professional interests and goals.


The MA degree requires a total of 30 credit hours of approved graduate work, including the capstone. Coursework can be completed either fully in person or a combination of online and in person.


Required (18 credit hours)

Core Courses

  • Social Theory and Educational Practice(3)
  • Training Program Design (3)

  • Comparative and International Education (3)

Research Methods

  • Overview of Qualitative and Quantitative Research Strategies (3)

  • Quantitative Research in Education (3)


  • Proseminar in International Education (3)

Electives (12 credit hours)

Complete 12 credit hours from the following, or other courses as approved by a faculty advisor,with at least 6 credits in the.

  • Equity and Education in the Global Context (3)

  • International Education Exchange: Policies and Practices (3)

  • Global and Multicultural Education (3)

  • Education Sector Assessment (3)

  • Nonformal Education and Development (3)

  • Culture, Identity and Education (3)

  • Education and Transitional Justice (3)

  • Advanced Training Program Design (3)

  • Global Health (3)

  • Global Health Policy (3)

Skills Institutes(1 credit hour each)

In addition to 3 credit elective courses, ITEP offers 1 credit practical, skillsfocusedcourses that take place on weekends.Examples include:

  • EDU-627 Assessment of Student Outcomes in Intercultural Exchange/Education Abroad (1)
  • EDU-627 Diversity & Inclusion in Training Programs (1)
  • EDU-627 Education Sector Analysis (1)
  • EDU-627 Monitoring and Evaluating in International Development and Education Interventions (1)
  • EDU-627 Online Training Program and Design (1)
  • EDU-627 Participatory Research and Evaluation Methods (1)
  • EDU-627 Social Justice and Liberation in International Exchange (1)

Upcoming Events

ITEP VirtualOpenHouses:

ITEP Virtual Open House and Graduate Panel
June 18th at 6 PM

Reach out toitep@american.edufor more information.

ITEP Students Study in Japan

ITEP students Ansilta De Luca ’25andMaddy Crawford ’24traveledto Japan in January to enhance friendship ties between Japan and North America. The two were amonga large group ofresearchers and students who were exposed to Japanese society and culture. Read about their experience here.

Theinternational education developmentpathwayprepares students to research, evaluate, discuss, and contextualize pressing global education issues. Students practice applying these skills throughout the program and go on to serve as important leaders and specialists in a wide range of international institutions and organizations. Graduates workinareas such aspolicydevelopment, advocacy, research and evaluation, and program managementwith theintentionof improvingeducation access, quality, and equity around the world.

Thetrainingfor changepathway prepares students to serve as social change agents by strengthening training skills and practice in needs assessment,curriculum andtrainingdesign, group facilitation,and evaluationusingsystemsthinking and experiential learningapproaches. Graduates work as trainers and specialists in capacity-building in education institutions andsocial justice organizations in North America and around the world.Graduates may also serve as educatorsor leadersin public or private institutions striving to internationalize their institutions and promote greater equity and inclusionfor diverse learners.Skills learned are applicable to a wide range of roles ineducation institutions as well asagencies that facilitate teacher training,programming for newcomer communities,nonformaland refugee education, and youth development.

Theinternationalization and exchangepathway engages students who are interested in the interchange and movement of people and ideas across cultures. Special emphasis is placed on the history, politics, and changing nature of exchange, study abroad policies and practices, student mobility, internationalization efforts in higher education, and intercultural program management. Graduates work for universities and international exchange organizations as advisors, program coordinators, managers, and directors.

Frequently Asked Questions

Students may begin the program in the Summer, Fall or Spring semester. Both full time and part time schedules are available, though international students are required to be in full-time status during the entire program of study (with special exceptions made in the final semester of study).


Yes. ITEP offers a number of required courses online, as well as electives for both the degree and certificate program.

Most students take two years to complete the MA program, but it can be completed in as little as 15 months, including summer study. The Certificate program can be completed at the students’ pace, but is typically a 9-month program.

Both full-time and part-time schedules are available; however, international students are required to maintain full-time enrollment during the entire program of study (with special exceptions made in the final semester). Many of our students do have full-time jobs while in ITEP.

To accommodate students who work full-time, most classes are offered at 5:30pm or 8:20pm ET.

ITEP students develop and complete a capstone project usually during their final semester of the MA program through EDU 685: ProSeminar in International Education. The main objective of the capstone is to help students consolidate, integrate, and advance knowledge and skills acquired through ITEP. Students work with the ProSem instructor (a Core ITEP faculty member) to design and finish their project.

The capstone includes the following elements: a literature review, an analytical writing component, and original research. Some examples of capstone topics include a program evaluation, a program training design and implementation, and qualitative research project.

Transfer Credit from Accredited Institution

MA students can transfer in a maximum of 6 credits from another university provided that these credits have been earned at the master's level from an accredited institution, and is relevant to the ITEP program of study.

Credit Waiver for Volunteer Experience

In the past, when ITEP's program was 36 credit hours, incoming students could apply for credit waivers of up to 6 credits based on previous volunteer experience. Because of the reduction of required credits to a 30 hour program, students are no longer eligible for a credit waiver based on previous volunteer experience.

Yes. Each MA student is assigned to a faculty advisor at the start of the program. The advisor can help students decide if an internship or experience abroad will enhance the students’ program of study and/or career goals.

Recent News

  • 2023-2024 for ITEPstarted strong with aFall Meet & Greet to welcome everyone back and to bring new students into the MA and certificate program. For International Education Week, ITEP held a panel with the Echidna Global Scholars at the Center for the Universal Education at the Brookings Institution where they presented their research in India, Bhutan, Egypt, and Uganda. In November,the Alternative Pathways forum welcomed alumni Beck Waghorne, Julia Bouchelle, and current ITEPer Maddy Crawford who shared their experiences in the program and the impact that had on their career paths. To wrap up the year, the cohort celebrated with holiday gatherings and a "secret jingle tingle" gift exchange. In the spring semester, we hosted the annual student research conference which welcomed a wide array of graduate student research presentations from American University, George Mason, University of Maryland, and George Washington University. ITEPITEP graduate students Kim Linford, Maddy Crawford, and Paige Dabney presented their papers. Over spring break, ITEP faculty Drs. Elizabeth Worden, Jisun Jeong, Terence Ngwa, and Michael Gibbons participated in the Comparative and International Education Society annual conference in Miami. We wrapped up the semester with the Charles Tesconi Lecture, where Dr. Supriya Baily of George Mason University spoke about education in authoritarian times. Join us for more in the future!
  • Global Education Forum
    Throughout the year, ITEP hosted a range of speakers for itssignature event, including:Mariana Barros-Titus and Corey Shaw presented “Education as an Exercise in Reparative Justice”;Dr. Judith Pace gave the 2nd annual Charles Tesconi Lecture with “Learning to Teach Controversial Subjects in Divided Societies”; andDr. Sabrina J. Curtis and Ellen Chigwanda discussed “Critical Approaches to Education Research: A Conversation on Engaging with Adolescent Girls in the U.S. and Zimbabwe"
  • Comparative and International Education Society Conference (CIES)
    ITEP sponsored 20 students to attend the 2023 CIES Conferencein Washington, D.C. in February. ITEPersjoinedover 3,600 participants in the 1,000 sessions offered.Faculty members Dr. Jisun Jeong, Dr. Elizabeth A. Worden, Dr. Michael Gibbons, and ITEP student Alex Medadi presented research. ITEPers also networked with practitioners at a career event hosted by Chemonics. Professor Worden took a group of 15 international scholars to visit Martha’s Table, a non-profit serving the DC residents.
  • Experiential Learning Trip to Senegal
    ITEP faculty member and SOE Scholar in Residence Dr. Michael Gibbons and ARASL Director Dr. Terence Ngwa led“Historical and Transatlantic Perspectives on Antiracist Teaching,” SOE’s first everstudy trip to Senegal.

Global Education Forums

Join Our Conversation

The School of Education’s International Training and Education Program hosts monthly Global Education Forums (GEFs),discussions on pressing topics in international education, international development, and intercultural exchange. Join our conversations with experts, who offer their viewpoints and experiences as practitioners, researchers, and activists. Audience participants will have the opportunity to ask questions and join the dialogue.

Learn more about the ITEPGlobal Education Forums.